
A woman stood before her mirror,

Gazing upon herself,

With time grew insecurity,

Faces of worry sprouted,

She examined this and saw that,

Eventually she wondered,

"Sweetheart am I old?"

Her husband gave her a look of perplexity,

She began to show him here and there,

And he looked on with a face of concern,

When she finished he replied with care,

Stood behind her in the mirror,

And with a look straight at her said,

"Your eyes still look at me with love,

Your body still feels warm in bed,

I still see your beauty inside and out,

Sweetheart, you are timeless."

A relieved smile grew across face,

In her mind a reply formed,

"And in all these years,

With those sweet lips,

And that strong heart,

And eyes that always shook me,

You were always such a good suck up."

She smiled, he just laughed.

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Ladina Miles's picture

This is one of my favorite ones that you've written...It's perfect. Good work!!!