tony taylor

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Chcago, Illinois

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Hi, my name is son's name is Dartanion ~ I often use his name for my on screen name because I love him and Alexandre Dumas who wrote The Three Musketeers as a Mulatto man in France ~ I too am a Mulatto man and I Love Dumas' lead character D'Artagnan ~ hence the name! I am a songwriter by profession and have been writing in some capacity my entire life.........LOVE poetry because there are no false aspirations involved ~ there's not a lot of money involved with poetry which makes it a pure art form in my opinion. I write a blog and have over 800 poems, 171 songs, several short stories, two children's books written (but not published), I have appeared in two television movies, 12 magazines, and traveled every state in America, and most European Countries, having been born in Germany. My main focus in my life at this point is Metaphysics. I write a blog on this subject matter and am just outlining my course study for a Doctorate degree in Metaphysics where my goal is to get clergy credentials and access to the Vatican Library ~ ultimately. I hope that gives you a little insight into me ~ I am happy to be here to share and read poetry. Thanx for stopping by my page..........smiles.........T xo

About My Navel

My navel is an "inny" & very private.

Website(s) or Email

My blog ~ ~ click on ~ "Metaphysics and The Movies According to Dartanion2" ~

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I play guitar and write, I have been performing Magic since I was a boy, Read everything I can get my hands on, and I spend A LOT of time working with doctors on my disease ~ Chronic Inflammatory Demylenating Polyneuropathy or C.I.D.P. ~ and the maintenance of my "Spinal Cord Stimulator" which is implanted on my spine with a battery implanted in my stomach........xoxo


Member for
9 years 5 weeks