Misuderstood Individual

About Me

Don't be fooled by the opinions if it be the truth
Don't be surprised if there are so many of them
Most people get offended by all of it
And being an individual to take it seriously?

Don't be misunderstood from the individual
Don't judge someone if you know nothing of them
From the appearence, the sexual orientation
Way of life and unorthodox marital status

Individuality misunderstood by society
Individuality misunderstood with no actual publicity
No democracy, no if and or buts
Someone who doesn't give a shit about assumptions
Only about expression about pride
To not waste any time on more bullshit
It is what it fucking is, let it go

Someone who understood there self better than everyone
Someone who understands how to push specific buttons
Most likely everyone who isn't content on realism
Ignorance does fall from the tree
And turns out uly in personality

Misunderstand an individual
Misunderstand the individual
That probably saw nothing in their charactor
To notice great potential
And unique difference

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Secret of mine on keeping your Individuality.. I've dealt with People telling me WHO I AM for a long time, while their Assumptions have always been False because they never took the time to 'Get to know me'.

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