Somewhere in a distant galaxy
Anger will be magnified by a million
Anger will be dignified between multiple personalities
Discussing the means for existing
Discussing the reasons for each purpose
Me, myself and I arguing at once
Somewhere beyond mortal life
Anger coils into bigger problems
Anger enrages your blood pulsing veins
Giving your heart the intention to beat faster
Giving your mouth to breath heavier and deeper
My, myself and I experiencing anger first hand
Me, myself and I having a conversation together
Pounding down the head consumed from all the voices
Me, myself and I being driven completely insane
Driven completely crazy from all the noises
Wrath and dysfunction
Anger and depression
Emotions gathering up there strength to keep it together
Physical reactions provoked to be ranted out
Despite more pain and the anger
Feels like it's always me, myself and I
Fighting, surviving and struggling
Author's Notes/Comments:
Insanity to Ones Self.. and the Craziness in ones Head.