
When im alone in my room

your thinking im safe from all doom

but what you don't know on this day

in my room is when my friend comes to play

so I grab it and sit in on my bed

all kinds of crazy thoughts in my head

as i talk it over for a bit

my friend tells me its time to slit

it brings out a color that I hate

But the feeling is oh so great

it makes me never want to put it down

it you knew what i did, you would frown

so forever will my friend be safe by

till the day comes that i die

is when you will soon see

just how much my friend helped me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

PLease tell me what you think...I might enter this in a contest...???...???

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Abby H's picture

Ill tell you what I think. I love this poem! I think you should definatly enter it into a ocntest. Its a great poem. Hmm wierd u hate the color but I love it its cool though. We all know what this poem is about and thas y i love it. You put the words together and didnt point out the point of it but if ur smart enough youll firure out what this poem is about.I absolutly love this poem kayla!!!

Rachel May's picture

Hey -
You posted a comment on my friends site, so I checked out some of your poems. I like this poem because it seems genuine and I can feel the emotion in the poem when I read comes alive. Enter it in the contest it's a great poem.

NyTara McCroy's picture

you commented on mine so i thought i should read a couple of your poems... i really like how you told me what you did... it makes me feel like im not the only person who does it for THAT perticular reason... nobody understands.. but hay yah i like your poems, and i think that they are great.. feel free to email me or IM me when im on.. i have aim .. im not on as much ne more tho.. but yah X3AllHereX3...thats only one of my sns.. sry this is really long... but hay... well nice commentin to ya..