That Girl

You know, that girl with the big smile

Blonde hair blue eyes 
You know, that happy girl
Adored by everyone
Who knew?
You know, with the perfect family
Straight A student
You know, with the perfect boyfriend
Received a scholarship 
Who knew?
You know, that beautiful girl in the back of the class
Everyone wanting to be her friend
You know, that popular girl
Walks the halls like she owns it 
Who knew? 
You know, that girl who helps everyone
Never misses an opportunity to be recognized, 
You know, looks like you've seen her on the cover of a magazine
Perfect friends, perfect body, perfect life
Who knew?
She was murdered
By herself,
Tortured by her own thoughts
Pretty good at hiding it wasn't she...
Who knew?
KindredSpirit's picture

tortured thoughts

And the world turns on

allets's picture

Who Could Know?

Richard Corey syndrome ~allets~