

So, my friend, we meet again..

This time it is in court..

When Last we met, you assaulted me,

And I did not retort..

You'd made sure I was belittled, Mistreated, and abused..

What's this I hear? Nine Months Probation,

Guilty as accused?!

So much for your story,

your deceit and all your lies..

The judge is smart, she didn't buy it..

She knows you are no prize.

You brought several supports with you,

While I was all alone..

And in spite of that, I stayed to the end..

Didn't turn on my heels and run home.

You came with your hair all done up,

You came all swankily dressed..

Well, your fancy tresses and fancy threads..

must have ceased to impress.

You spoke so eloquently,

You swore on the bible too..

That was pointless, For you were under oath,

Yet, nothing you said was true!

And, me.. there I was,

A street kid with clothes so worn,

Alone, stumbling on my words,

Looking so forlorn..

And, yet the judge.. she saw it,

She saw it in my eyes..

All the pain and all the sorrow..

She knew my words weren't lies.

When you were told your sentence,

You sat and bawled in your chair..

You say you're going through a rough time..

And this just isn't fair..

You don't have my sympathy, dear..

For, you never gave me yours..

Instead, you watched as I was stomped, spat on,

And called a whore..

Let this be a lesson to you..

belittling does not impress..

It only reveals who you really are..

And that is.. A COWARDESS.

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Max Wilde's picture

im glad you've had better luck with court than i have
they didnt believe me, lol, i thought noone ever got what they deseved. good show