Revengeful Breakup

You promised me you wouldn't lie
You promised me you wouldn't cheat
You promised me you wouldn't break my heart
Why is it now you broke all 3 of those promises?
I thought you loved me
I thought I loved you in return
But is she really worth all this pain you're causing
I mean she's you EX!
You two didn't work out when you two were together
If you still love her then why are you with me?
Was I just your toy?
Was I really nothing in your eyes?
Why was I the fool to believe you loved me though?
Why couldn't I see you were like those other two foolish little boys?
Why couldn't you see I loved you?
You told me lies that I thought was the truth
You cheated and I had to find out the hard way you did
You broke my heart when you said forever
But what I don't get is why wont I break it off with you for good?
Maybe because I've got to get my revenge first
To make you hurt the same way you made me hurt
Cheat on you? Nah I'm not the cheater here
But there are plenty other boys I can flirt with
To make you feel like shit
And yes I can play your little game just as good as you can
I can lie and say I love you just like you did
And maybe you'll be smart enough to figure out its a lie
But you'll remember what you did to me for the past 4 months
And you'll remember you're hurting the wrong girl
And in the end you'll know I was the best thing you won't ever have again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just a poem becuz i was heartbroken...just to get my feelings out

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writing makes us feel okay

writing makes us feel okay somehow...

let it burst and soon move on..

i can relate to the poem.