Final End

I hate you with extreme intensity
Almost so bad it causes me great insanity
I say I don't want you
I'm telling you the truth when I say I'm through

I want you to leave me be
Go far far away
Why can't you see
My hearts not one you can sway
I've made up my mind
I know I seem crazy
Now I'm leaving you behind
But it's all for the best
I want to keep my sanity
And give my mind and heart a rest

You once were there for me
when I needed you the most
Now every day I doubt you remember me
I know now we are not close

You say I'm your best friend
I know that's a lie
I will hate you forever we are at an end
Something you and I cannot deny

You left me even when I needed you
You have been gone, and now your different from the person I once knew
I have only one thing to say to you
We are through