Fighting for survival

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heart racing
waking to cold sweats
total confusion
where the fuck am I
reaching under the pillow
I'm cocked locked and ready to rock
is that a shadow or someone ?
deep breath
heavy sigh
it's only shadows and they can't kill anyone
damn it to hell won't this shit ever end ?
if I could have just one wish
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of her breath on my neck
the touch of her fingers on my skin,
the warmth of her lips upon my cheek
the feel of her heart beating with mine...
but no here I am in a room blanketed in darkness
all alone with a gun in my hand searching for demons
in a physical form
ones that you can kill unlike the ones in your head
I know at times I may appear to be tough
but sometimes to bear the pain and heartache can be too much
for a mortal man
and I've yet to see any divine intervention
I'm just to stupid to quit
this path I'm on wasn't meant to be walked
bitterness and betrayal has placed its hands upon it..
many times my heart has been filled with agony
my body racked in pain as the world is wracked by the
ignorance of the people within it
people killing people over a poison to put into their bodies
people killing people over precious metals , rocks an oil
people killing other people for god's an glory
people killing people just cause they can
there's no glory in killing it's a fairytale told to the young
so they'll go to war when they're called
on the battlefield killing is just the act of self preservation
the actions of one who's not yet ready to die
there's also no glory in survival
you're just alive
deep behind my eyes are pockets of tears that are ready to fall like rain
at any given time
but I hide it ever so well
I am wishful
I am hopeful
I am lost to my own fate
my heart holds out hope
that soon the world will change
I am lost inside the past
my love holds out to the hope
that someday she will find the way back.......
maybe ?
what do I know ?

I'm just a old grunt with a gun fighting for survival

~ D Donner ~

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"...I am lost to my own fate..."

And so say all of us. ~A~