love an trust comes hard

My trashcan poetry

love an trust comes hard to Me
it's even harder for me to give
day by day between predator an prey
a life is won or a life is lost
the battle between life an death go's on

death is feared on such a grand scale
but not feared as much as the threat of betrayal
dose she love me or dose she not
the danger is what seems so natural is not
what if I give her My heart an it comes back broken again
can I take any more pain than I'm already living with
even to the razor senses of the soldier an hunter there
was only the faintest foreboding of what was coming

only hearing about her betrayal I come home to a empty house
sitting alone late at night watching memories like their video's
in my head
sometimes I laugh out loud at the things I remember
other times I've cried till the tears soaked through the pillow
but most nights I just stare into the darkness wondering why

I've lived long enough to have loved an lost three women
one to being young an dumb
one to death
an the other to betrayal
some people tell Me I should try it again

love an trust comes hard to Me
it's even harder for me to give

death is feared on such a grand scale
but not feared as much as the threat of betrayal

~ D Donner ~

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Woman Burnout

I have man burnout. Betrayer and betrayed, hurt and destoyed emotionally by the dead and the living. I would set my trust issues out there against the best. of 'em.  No easy answer. Thought provoking indeed! ~~A~~