I still wonder why

clear water running in
red water water pouring
over the edge

like a painters canvas
red over the porcelain white
I can see the picture when
I close my eye's


voices screaming hurting my ears
please someone make them stop
then I realize....
the screams are mine


there will be no phoenix rising out of
the ashes to start a new life
only the unanswerable questions
of why


I guess we all get tired of fighting
the demons in our heads
sometimes I wonder when I'll give in

tears on a tombstone
black roses I lay


there's another ghost to add

to the long list of names
I carry in my head
the ones I failed

I ask myself where did I go wrong
what was it .......

I didn't I see
what should I of done


red over porcelain white stands out

in the darkness in my mind
I still wonder why


~ D Donner ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not one to judge , Hell I've thought of giving in more than once, but anger always override's the feelings an I came out swinging harder ...... the Thing that bothers Me most is The Not Knowing Why ???

To A Friend ..... Rest In Peace My Little One

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Daniel-59's picture

Thanks SSmoothie

Thanks SSmoothie

It's just things I've kept buried for what seems like 2 life times rolled into one.......Then there's nights like tonight that it seems like yesterday. I used to think I was alone out here in the wilderness , But have found there's More of us than I ever wanted to know ... Which doesn't make Me any happier , Cause Now I know It's All a vicious circle out there.
The only thing I know from it all is ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

~ DD ~

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

SSmoothie's picture

An amazing piece with strong imagery to match

A carefully crafted work that really asks the reader to examine thier own thought process and situation through the experience. Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."