Without the memories of you

Listen to the silence in the wind
Stand still an close your eyes
Can you hear me?
When I scream your name into the night
Do you feel a cold chill come over you
like someone walked over your grave
did you ever hear the whispers in your ear
I love you as I turned to go leaving
you tucked in asleep on the couch
I wonder if you even think of me
after all these years
or do you hate me for leaving cause
everyone said it was the right thing to do

I am at war with myself every day,
asking myself why I can't forget you
why can't I let go
I have reminisced the past, and even dwell'ed on
those horrid words you said that night
you couldn't love me not the way
I wanted you to
how would you know how I loved you
you never let me say
every time I would start
the subject you would change
after everything we had shared together
our hopes an dreams who were you
trying to convince me or yourself..
they tell me how foolish I am for hanging on
to a dream ,a fantasy led a stray
so many times I've seen you in my dreams
There you are, just out of reach

some nights I wake up smiling remembering
something special that's just between you an I
other mornings I wake to a tear stained pillow
I've have woke whispering your name
other times screaming it aloud in vain
I could not make you love me but
you will forever be there in my heart
my love for you burn's like a eternal flame
my head tell's me I am a fool and this must end
but my heart tells me love has no end
there are no boundaries, no rules or
defined lines of black an white
no matter how defeated I may feel
no mater where my journey takes me
no mater how my life ends
you would an will be the first an only true love
I would be left with nothing.
Without the memories of you

who knows for sure maybe somewhere in the future
we will find each other an this time it works out fine
then again maybe not

~ DD~ 1993

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Life is so strange I wrote this on a couple napkins one night in a bar in 93. was still in love and had decided she had lied as far as she couldn't love Me in / she had got married an had left our home town for parts unknown
then about 2 years ago someone talked Me into face book( they needed a body for their games)
low an behold after 28 years I get a friend request asking if I remembered Her....Long story cut short ,We picked up right where we left it ...She loves Me but loves her husband an family more.. having raised a boy from the time he was seven lost his mother /My wife to a massive heart attack I under stand an can live with it Were more than just best friends but yet not lovers either. none of my male friends can not comprehend that I could love someone this long an never been to bed with ( then they wonder why Men get a bad rap ) rofl

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without the memories

I have read your comments. You have a very sad story. But in this life, how are we to know
what is going to happen. Love is eternal. Many say they love, but they do not know the
real meaning of the word. Love is a lot more than just sex. It is a feeling deep inside
that won't be denied. Sometimes I wonder if it could be a renewal of feeling from another
place and time. We love different people for different reasons. Different depths of love.
Let me say in closing, I have enjoyed spending time reading your poetry. Very heart felt
writing. thanks for sharing your feelings with PP. check out some of mine if you have a
chance. hbw