In our attempt to manage time
to gain one more moment of mortality
we fail to see the present for what it is
other than the passing of one moment to the next
so focused on the future we are
we fail to see the present for what it is
living for the future and not for today is a form of suicide
after all who has promised you tomorrow ?
And So I Live In The Now
From here I can look back,
see the world unfold now,
and plan to be prepared
for the future. What summons
me foreward is unseen,
what was that made me
a totality is classically clear.
Time is a wanton, insatiable
entity with no form and no way
to walk or eat anything
but all nows about to become
all futures.
Embracing time is impossible.
Slippery concept. Man made
to fill a need, a progression,
a mind glitch that refused
existing without expression
via motion or numbers.
I am like time. I was, I am,
I may be if death does not take
time's breath. If time could
wait, I doubt it would.
Time understands well
the concept of enough.
Stella L. Crews