oh my dear friends even though hope
fades like another shooting star
going out burning in a blaze of cosmic glory
my love has been lost to the darkness
as only one who's lost a true love could know
the ache that never relents , never subsides
memories that play upon the silver screen
over and over again
oh I fear I've lost my soul ,I have prayed and cursed the faith
that some believe in ,I've prayed to gods long forgotten
and cursed them as well
the devil he seems to be laughing at me no
matter what I do
and I cursed him to
oh my dear friends even though hope
fades like another shooting star
going out burning in a blaze of cosmic glory
You'll find me standing at the edge where light fades and the darkness grows giving both worlds the finger
they may have taken it all from me .......but they couldn't take my willingness to fight
~ D Donner ~
Wiingness -two worlds the
Wiingness -two worlds the finger-there is room for more love - what if there I told you there was more than one true love. There is always room for more love even at the same time. What is honorable though is another matter. That simply depends on how much you like the pain and guilt and suffering and whether you believe IRS necessary for some cosmic reason and if it's worth it? But like children you can't love only one and it's not wrong to love more than one. It is a little riskyo admit oruccumb to them physically at the same time. Unless youre all kinky. ;) fabulous write sir!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Cursing The Darkness
Repent on your death bed. I'll see you "topside". :D ~Lady A~