I've been hexed this night and will spend it entangled with her on the sand

with the nights spent on the seashore
I create adventures in my mind with
mermaids , neptune and fantasies of love
quietly listening to the sea for hours on end
in breathtaking hushed wonderment.
from out of the shadows walking barefoot
in the sand
she speaks to me in satin whispers,
like the winds caress palm trees
the waves gently washing away her footprints
tasting the perfumed air of night on the north shore
I know I should run from my unexpected lover
but with the night tides and a full moon
love has no compensations
I've been hexed this night
and will spend it entangled with her on the sand
Author's Notes/Comments: 

 Well CKKmate I was going through your different poems

then went to bed but some lines just kept nagging at Me so I hit the lights and found the keyboard Hope You don't mind My version

~ D D ~
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and Neptune -- not thoughts often thought, those. I can hear the wave hit shore, race away, return.
