when I fell for her
I took a step and I fell down
I got back up took another step
and down I went again
I was crazy
crazy in love
now she's gone
the tarnished heart suffers more than
you ever thought it could
your mind spins out of control.
In denial you wonder why
why am I all alone
I'm crazy
still crazy in love
the heart is broken
but it finds a way
to ease the soul
and survive another day
the tears that
kaleidoscope our eyes
only magnify the troubles that surround us
I'm crazy
still crazy in love
they look at me like I'm a broken man
but there's sorrow in the joy and there's
peace in the pain
I took a step and I fell down
I got back up took another step
and down I went again
but nothing will keep me down
cause I'm crazy
Still Crazy in Love
~ D Donner ~
On Loss and Losing
I knew once
hard climb
up from a fall
outside force induced
srlf-caused, anc
act nothing foresaw
or owned enough
power to avoid.
Time stretched
out oddly, the precious
life ends, the moving
into a new city
cancels lifelong
familiar routines
with presences assumed
to be there until
breathing and sweating,
shedding laughter
and anger in each day.
Knowing endings, deaths,
break-ups, ultimate divorces,
loss of the friends at favorite
schools or work spaces
wither the soul's size, scars
the walls of the heart, adds
cycloc damage to the memory
Time is ally eventaually,
but now the mind bleeds.
You want what refuses
or can not wanted.
Stella L.C Crews