Lone wolf

the lone wolf
always swearing I wouldn't be a prisoner
of somebody else's needs
nobody, nowhere would have a hold on Me
but time and fate can't be controlled
you can cover your eyes and hide behind
the walls you've built around you
but when love calls your name
there's no saying no

falling hard and fast spinning out of control
lost in them brown eyes
I never saw what it was that hit Me
when you tear down the walls an give yourself away
love is something' that you do
not a bunch of words said
in the heat of the night
she was shy an I was bold
they said it never work
I guess they were right
cause here I am

the lone wolf

swearing again I won't be a prisoner
of somebody else's needs
nobody, nowhere will have a hold on Me
but fate has a funny way of tearing down the walls
you've built around you
when love calls your name
there's no saying no
married an suspicious of being happy
she gave Me a priceless gift
My son
just when I thought it was happily ever after
for whatever damned reasons god took her away

once again I'm the lone wolf
swearing I won't be a prisoner
of anybody else's needs
nobody, nowhere will have a hold on Me
other than My son
but fate has a sick sense of humor
when love calls your name
there's no saying no
she was a single mom with three kids of her own
but damn she was a fighter
you had to admire her
ten years together
four kids raised as our own
but some where it went all wrong

kids are raised and out on their own

here I am
the lone wolf
swearing I won't be a prisoner
of somebody else's needs

waiting to see what else fate has in store for Me

~ D Donner ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I've No! clue

what possessed Me to spill out this Crap !

I tried to delete it twenty times but something deep inside wouldn't let Me

for reasons unknown this kind of stuff embarrasses the hell out of Me

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SOoooo There's something

SOoooo There's something wrong with Someone Here ?

Every Time I'm convinced it's Crap You All Like it !
Yep Someone is Crazier than the other

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

allets's picture

Let's Get You Straightened Out!

i want to be absolutely CLEAR. Cut the crap! I am not crazy, I am insane. One is for non poets, the other is for poets like me (& U). Glad we got that out in the open at last! Whew! :D :D :D ;D and a big hug. :S



KindredSpirit's picture

this is all good

Like the replies.


allets's picture

"...Fate has a sick sense of humor..."

I concur. Fate, Death, and Luck walked into a bar . . . Fate ordered Inevitability, Death order Eternity, and Luck got the hell out of there - :S