For there's always tomorrow

with each passing of the hour the night grows weary
I lay alone dreaming of a past life searching for meaning
to the trials an tribulations I have bore
the results of living in a cursed and imperfect world 
feeling lost within a world of gray 
where nothing is black of white 
no defining lines of whats wrong or right 
a realm of nothing meaningful 
searching my soul for the strength to step beyond 
what I hope is just a strained illusion
to resurrect the one that was nearest to my empty heart
but alas it all seems unbidden an unanswered 
it all seems so lost
but onward I push 
for there's always tomorrow

~ D Donner ~  


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I Feel Like That Sometimes

because it is mostly behind me. 4th quarter, 2 minute warning - that's what I will tell my doctor who thinks he can cure the common cold. Pure melancholia and a hard reminder this - :S