Desert sounds

the desert sounds heard in the night
are more a feeling than a sound
a fleeting feeling that calls out to 
something deep within my soul

does the moon rise for lovers to gaze 
or to guide the spirits in the night

there is no man who can put his finger
upon what divides the spirit world
from the one in which we live
nor can I tell you how I know

a single word in this moment of stillness
would shatter the feeling forever

some would say it's just the breeze blowing
through the cacti and high rock walls 
I for one am unsure

a desert wind across the valley floor 
or ancient spirits waiting for us to hear 
quiet voice's that haunt the night

~ D Donner ~

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I Am Transported

and like the sprits on your desert winds, I am blown beteeen worlds. "...a word...would shatter the feeling..." and "...does the the spritis of the night..." reached out and grasped imagined sandscapes and the feeling of the wind. Yr spiritsbud ~A~
