Age has taken the youth I remember

Age has taken the youth I remember
oh where has the time gone
I watch my son's chase down their's
fighting to wash faces and hands
don't forget behind the ears
it brings a smile to my face for at least a moment
I remember doing the same to them 
I picked them up when they skinned their knees
just as you did me
I watched in the mirror as age replaced the smooth skin 
with wrinkles upon my hands an face
that look in my eyes
I watched my children as they grew
one by one I watched as they left home 
cringing as they made their mistakes 
as I did mine 
with these wrinkles a certain wisdom comes
those lines from laughter and worries
the lessons taught them were the lessons taught me 
you have made them 
who you made me
that makes you who you are to me


~ D Donner ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired after reading esther91 Paper Hands .... For Ma & Pa 

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i like your poems dude they

i like your poems dude they are encased and writen with real emotion, also thanks for keeping them simple and sweet. 

Daniel-59's picture

Thank You ! I used to be

Thank You !

I used to be scared of letting people read the ramblings that clutter up My head .

Now I find it almost makes Me all warm an fuzzy inside  . When I find People actually likes it lol


again many thanks ! 

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

allets's picture

I Shall

check out Paper Hands by esther91 ~ Lady A