I hide behind this mask I wear and keep the truth locked away

I hide behind this mask I wear

and keep the truth locked away,

but there is so much said in the things 

I don't say

there are times when I still feel your presence

at my side 

even when your not really there

every now and then 

my heart wanders back in time

and all those old feelings again awaken the 

memories in my mind of you an I

I am wishful

but in vain I feel

I am hopeful

but also mournful 

I am fragile

yet I'm stronger than before

I am vulnerable

then again who is not

I am lost 

still I know where I want to be

my dreams take me to places 

that my heart may never find again

but real love doesn't go away

it doesn't fade into the past,

it goes on forever

so I hide behind this mask I wear

and keep the truth locked away


~ D Donner ~

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I like the irony of I "...keep the truth locked away" but the poem tells all of what is kept alive and will always be vibrant and "there". This is a great repetition and rhythm/theme balanced write. "...there is so much said in the things I don't say..." is perfection, Daniel-59 ~(:D)- Lady A