i dont think i could handle
another stressful day
everything is pushing
pushing me away
i dont think i could take
another hateful stare
everything is forcing
forcing me not to care
i dont think you understand
the hate i feel for you
everyone is searching
searching for the truth
Hold me like you did that one time,
Hold me as if i were to leave,
Carry me as if it were out last day,
Carry my the way you once did,
Care for me when im down,
Treat me as if we were never to speak again,
if I were to leave today what would you do,
to make everything right again,
Pay attention so I notice,
Me wanting to be your hurts,
The way you touch kills,
Knowing we may never meet again wouldn't
hurt..it would be a thrill,
If only you hold me like that time before,
If only you would carry me the way you did,
If only you cazred like the way you tryed,
If only treated me as if it were our last,
day together everything would be fine,
Oh if you cared or any one for that matter,
it would be at least better and make me live
this live I was givin, the life that hurts
me so,
Wanting to be with you hurts me more than life its self,
If only I could get one more hug,
To actually have another conversation,
To have you with me,To be included,
As if any of this would truly happen just my
foolish dreaming eh?
And yet again I need to carry on the way you
all think it goes,