pulling against the self inflicted chains
trying to free myself from their grips
the cold hard metal peircing into my flesh
causing blood to drip slowly down my skin
your voice brings me back to reality
where i am and how i got here
it's everything i ever wanted
yet i am still looking for more
still yearning for something better
i turn away from you
breaking your heart just like i said i would
you didn't believe how horrible i was
i warned you so many times
i told you how i was
how worthless and pathetic i was
you didn't believe me
you wanted to see past what i saw
you wanted to see something that wasn't there
something that didn't exist
and still i can't blame you
this is all my fault
what have i done
what am i doing
i'm pushing you away
trying to make you hate me
what goes through my mind
what makes me do what i do
i wish i knew
i wish i could stop
everything you say
every action that you take
makes me want you further away
what is it inside me
that makes me do this
why dont i want your love
why dont i want your trust
i can't stand who i am
and how happy i am when i'm with you
you make me forget my problems
and make me realize my dreams
i'm so pathetic
so useless
so worthless
i have tried so hard to tell you
tried so hard to make you see
and you ignored it
ignored what i told you about me
you told me how beautiful i was
how wonderful i was
how i could never hurt anyone
it's not the truth
i hope you know that now
open your eyes
see what i see
see what everyone else sees
everyone but you
why do you do this to yourself
you're so naive
i can't push you away
the harder i push
the more you try to get to me
you succeed
that's what i hate you for
succeeding in making me feel this way
i can't stop this feeling
why are you doing this to me
why are you making me love you
i put all my trust in you
tell you everything i ever felt
tell you about my past
and you still get to me
you look past it all
what's wrong with you
i know you dont enjoy being hurt
nobody does
it's something inside of you
something that i must not have
you make me redundant
you make me so happy
i hate myself for feeling this way
i'm not supposed to feel this way
not with everything that has happened
not with everything that i have done
and i realize soon enough
that i have fallen
i've fallen for you
fallen for everything you are
and everything you feel
and there you are at the bottom
to catch me after my plunge
Hey! I thought I'd return the favor and this was the poem I picked. It's really awesome. Long...awesome. Awesomely long. But great. It seems that you're battling two wars at the same time, and you seem to win both. Good job. I have to go, I'll sign your gb later on. -hugs- -Tyler.