Worried child

The smoke clears from within the alley,

In the corner sits a parentless child,

His face is dark cause he has no where to shower,

And his heart is cold cause love for him was mild.

As I approch him he shivers violently,

He quietly tells me to go away,

His eyes fill with endless tears,

He puts his head in his knees as if he was trying to pray.

I hold out money to give to him,

But he refuses to look at me,

Like a scared animal he sits,

Looking for a way to get free.

The wind rushes inside the worn alley,

Blowing his newspaper pillow away,

His coat was old with many holes in it,

So it is cold sitting there all day.

He begs for me to leave him,

Just wanting to be alone,

He doesn't wanna go back to his parents,

Not in that hellacious home.

I notice his face bared bruises and scars,

From where he had been beat,

He had cigarette burns that covered him,

From his head down to his feet.

I ask him what he wants,

He rolls up even tighter,

As tears clean his dirty face,

His dark skin becomes whiter.

Pain has become his only friend,

In this place where he lives day by day,

I notice his muscles were weak,

Listening to the things people would say.

Your ugly, we don't need you go away,

were the voices ringing in his head,

Why should he listen to them,

So he sits here starving instead.

Everyday, the bus drives by,

He see's the smiling children,

That's when he quietly tells me,

I only want that, every now and then.

Looking at him, I didn't realize,

What it was his depressed voice was telling me,

I thought about it over and over,

That's when his words were easier to see.

I hold out my arms towards him,

He is scared and tells me to go away,

But I refuse as I remain with my arms open,

Hopeng he would get what I was trying to say,

As I sit there, wanting him to reach out,

I haven't said anything or moved at all,

I could see his head rise up slowly,

His name I silently call.

Come here i'm not gonna hurt you,

He hesitated as he slowly stood to his tired feet,

I could tell he was worried,

But this worry he would defeat.

He slowly walks towards me,

Careful with each following stride,

When he realized everything was fine,

He fell into my arms and began to hide.

I hugged him gently,

As he began to silently cry.

This is all he has ever wanted,

My sleeve is no longer dry.

Just one hug made him happy,

It was better than anything from above,

All he ever wanted from anyone,

was just a little love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Of all things in the world, Love is the cheapest gift that has a whole lot of meaning.

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Chantal W's picture

really enjoyed reading this poem :)
neat and so totally true

dragonzite's picture

Wow, this poem really opened my eyes. Thank you.