Looking at Life

Look into the eyes of the lion,

What is it that you see,

A fierce verocious animal,

But then again, what are we?

Look into the veins of a heart,

What is it that you see,

A heartful of hatred,

But then again what are we?

Look into the barrel of a gun,

What is it that you see,

Bloodshed and murders,

But then again what are we?

Look into the hole in the ground,

What is it that you see,

Darkness and unholiness,

But then again what are we?

Look into the eyes of a child,

What is it that you see,

Whatever you put in front of it's eyes,

That's why we need to change, are you with me?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Our visions of this world we live in may not seem to bad, cause its an everyday thing for us. don't make it an everyday thing for them.

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