What is That Word?

That word, those words,
like falling in a bucket of swords.
Life is hard, but those words make it worse.
Next thing you know you see a black hurse.
You smell the sweetness of Forget Me Nots.
It's all that stops the smell of that which rots.
Goodbye you want to whisper.
Breathing is all you hear.
You remember the last words your mom said,
"My sun is set and my book is read."
Can't quite remember your reply,
Oh Right, " Please don't die."
But it was too late.
The next thing she would see is the pearly gate.
Words, words what were they?
Oh yea, "I have cancer." Were the words she said that day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

So yea kinda sad... Don't wanna give an explanation because my stomach is making whale noises and I think I may puke. Oh and the my book is read means that she's lived a full life.

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ashes_theartofburning's picture

This was well written.

I could feel the foreboding in the beginning,
and the way you executed it in the end.

I am sorry to hear 'bout this misfortune.

God bless. <3

"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

DanBobtheSpiritualHobo's picture


Thank You. I appreciate your comment it makes posting poems on here feel 100% better.
Your's in words,