Buy a bottle!


I fancy fun stuff over scripture studies, in the literary sense that is. It is quite delightful to free the fingers, morph them into spaghetti strands, and pack the paper with some prominent punches. This is mobile meditation. Relax, my sweet, kick off your shoes and keep your feet fresh as you meander through these strange phrases feeling but slightly intoxicated. Speaking of which, why don’t you pour yourself a glass of wine. And if you happen not to have any then go out and buy a bottle!

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SSmoothie's picture

Cute read. Refreshing

Cute read. Refreshing respite. 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

S74RW4RD's picture

I like this very much.

I like this very much.


saiom's picture

Rumi etc


I'm reminded of the Gospel in which Mary tells Jesus the wedding feasters

have no wine.. and also the Rumi line ' “Don’t hand me another glass of wine. Pour it in for I’ve lost the way to my mouth..” –

You send our minds down different bylanes.