

Screaming on the mountain,

disturbing the birds' niche,

casting myself into the volcano pit

to burn and become but nothing,

leaving a note which quoth:


Dear World,

Chaos has corrupted my soul.

I'm done being daunted

by the blasphemous torment

of humankind.

Forget me now and forever,



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S74RW4RD's picture

In a few short lines' few

In a few short lines' few words, you describe the despair many feel.  Your poetry, as a whole, is a spectrum of many moods, of many colors, of many emotional states.  And this is a good things:  only stars produce spectra, while many moons and planets, some of them tremendously insignificant, can only reflect, but never create, those spectra.


humanfruit's picture

Thanks for a fine metaphor

Thanks for a fine metaphor

bananas are the perfect food

for prostitutes

S74RW4RD's picture

Your welcome.  And, more than

Your welcome.  And, more than a metaphor, is it an accurate reflection of your poetry's effect upon this reader.


allets's picture

We All signfcant





infnite pond.




humanfruit's picture

Belittling the selves, yet

Belittling the selves, yet such a beautiful connection of words.

bananas are the perfect food

for prostitutes