


Lets do psychedelics in lovely thailand 

and enjoy great feasts of fresh durian,

but only if you hold my hand as we walk

through the streets and twilight jungle.


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S74rw4rd's picture

Lots of imagery and backstory

Lots of imagery and backstory in just four brief lines, and I even learned what Durian is.


Pungus's picture

I'm well convinced you're a

I'm well convinced you're a genius poet, and so i'm very honored to have your applause.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

S74rw4rd's picture

I feel very humble in the

I feel very humble in the face of that superlative compliment and I am most appreciative of your kindness.  I just read your poem "You angel," and I am still reeling from the beauty of one of the phrases in it, and I applaud your ability to write such an intensely beautiful, poignant, and resonant combination of words.  I have seen very few others on postpoems who have been able to turn such a phrase.  You should never stop being proud of it,
