


Victim was jumped for twenty dollars

It ended with a metal pipe to his head

Stitches and much else to be said


O evil policeman molesting his chest

With a steel rod ~ the heart might erupt

Why do you discreetly damn the weak


Hospitals endeavor to cage creation

And willingly terrorize people's peace

With needles in the ass ~ enemies

Silencing the profound preachers speeches


Nature dying now won't you captize

Chambers of concrete have no heartbeat

But because ye blaspheme, we weep


Overwhelming worldly abyss dripping woe

Why won't ye allow harmoniously masters

To cradle the revelations like they matter


Ordered chaos delusion and disaster

Ordered chaos delusion and disaster

Ordered chaos delusion and disaster


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The Flavor Of The Season

u captured it well. Indeed: "chambers of concrete have no heartbeat" Kudos ~S~