We sit under a tree of sugar coated apples
Landing melted kisses fresh from the rapper
As I attempt to suck the maple abstracts from your upper lip
Biting the Bitter bottom
Then proceed to provide knowledge upon your private properties
Not to get to ahead of my verbs as you provide ad libs to our interactions
I'm Addicted to the misk of our attractions
Even a fraction of the attention you pay me,I can't afford
Drowning in the vocals of your cords
An assistant to the instance of were bored
And enjoying every moment
But dying at the thought of the fall from this tree as one of your life's disappointments
This view of you in my mind-is
Nothing minis for what in actuality I see of you
Hoping the feelings appealing and residual
Because those lips are a glimpse of the afterlife
the centerfold of these feelings we hold are unripe
And ready to unfold as we become something
And these Candy coated feelings dangle Dangerously
As we sit underneath this tree waiting helplessly
For a taste of the Bitter sweets
-don't hold it against me