As my eyes open wide
my senses shut completely
I can not see
As my eyes shut tight
my senses begin to perceive
still I can not see
Clarity ever elusive secret
lurking between the shadowed... and the soul
Darkness veils over me
reins over me
Hungered breaths steamy chill scrawling across my neck
forged through fire and blood
always clawing at my back
ebbing me home
to kill me
if I would only turn around
Death is not serene
Death is not serene
Death's solace is not serene
I am in pain.
aren't we all...
Bad as fuck dude "aren't we
Bad as fuck dude "aren't we all" beautiful summed it up, that in the use of the word clarity my favored of words, there's a song called Come Clarity that just made me love the word.
"Some people die at 25 but buried at 75" Benjamin Franklin
re youy talking about In
re youy talking about In Flames Come Clarity? If so that is a good song dude.