The Nazis Would Have Killed Jesus

The Nazis would have killed their own God

They would have filled his holy lungs with death

Made soap with his fat

Lamp shades with his skin

Filled pillows with his hair

What hypocrisy

To hate your own God

To kill those like him

To kill at all

But he was crucified two thousand years before

They replaced him with a mustached wannabe savior

With the closest thing to Satan that any human could be




They would have gassed him too

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The only explanation for this one is that I was reading too much Sylvia Plath.

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S74rw4rd's picture

Beautiful poem, and you are correct in the historical facts, that the Third Reich promoted both a pagan Aryan type of religion, very vague, and both Catholic and Protestant spiritualities (the Protestants being in the Reich church that you mentioned). I doubt seriously that the ordinary people who voted Hitler into power had any intention of giving up their historic Christian faith; the pagan Aryan faith was probably for the fanatics, or the Alten Kampfers who had been Hitler's early supporters.

Starward so to change to J-Called

Josh Glasgow's picture

The Nazis would have killed their own God

Nazis were atheists.

cuddledumplin's picture

Actually this point is debatable. Hitler professed himself a Catholic. The Catholic Church also signed an agreement with Hitler to not get involved in politics if they were left alone (click here to see several pictures of Hitler smiling and shaking hands with Pius VII and other Catholics). Although the Nazis promoted the pagan German Faith movement as an alternative to Christianity, Hitler united all Protestant churches in Germany into the Reich Church. Many anti-Semetic Christians supported the Nazis because they considered Jews to be "Christ killers." Many soldiers and oridnary Germans who were sucked into Nazi ideology never renounced their Christian beliefs including many who killed Jews; therefore, there were Christian Nazis.