The world around me just keeps on spinning, seems as if everyone but me is winning. Things seem as if nothing ever goes right for me, seems as if this is how it will always be. I just keep wishing and praying to the lord above, seems as if he don't hear and dont want to give me anyone who is true to dey' love. I just want them to hold me tight, seems as if nothing will never be alright. Mom is tripping mega bad, seems as if Dad is tryin not to be that sad. Things are getting too complex and confusing, seems as if it doesn't matter what I be chosing. All I want to do is have a normal life, seem as if I'll never be any guys's wife. Everyone always yelling and screaming at each other. I just want back muh orginal mother .Everything feels so painful and wrong seems as if I can never stop my troubles by writing this song!