

Night after night, all I do is wish that I would just die, because all I really do is just cry.Sometimes I cry because of how much I weigh, or what people tease me about and what they all say.Also I cry because I don't have a boyfriend, a someone who will always be there in the end.I cry when I look at myself in the mirror, I try to do better for myself but its always the same..how unfair.People say I'm not ugly, what they really mean is that I'm fugly.I cry because I see people who's perfect that have so much more, I don't think I have anything to live for.I get teased about my glasses and over that.Mainly because I'm just too fat.No matter how hard I  try, I will always end up with a few tears coming outta my eyes.Its just like this, and this how it will always be.I will always be alone, crying myself to sleep, while waiting by the phone.I will always think about suicide, and all I wanna do is cry and hide.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

How I feel :)

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