
Prior work





~ imPRESSions ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A poem that can be considered pale in comparison to a now lost poem that was written during a fourth grade class seatwork in response to Carl Sandburg's famous poem.

Co3ru135c3n7's picture

I cannot think of this as

I cannot think of this as being pale in comparison to any other poem.  As I read the first words, I began to think of Sandburg, and I like your poem better than his.


redbrick's picture

Thanks most kindly for that

Thanks most kindly for that most appreciated comment. It may be that we are closer to each other in time than he was and the feel of the place I am sure is quite different 'these days' to the days of yore. I am particularly humbled that the first words struck that chord of recognition and connection. This to me is an indication that this poem may just have enough of itself to go beyond the years that are allotted for my sojourn here in this earthly life. Your words are a true encouragement.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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