This Naked Innocence

This naked innocence

Blankets me completly

It holds onto my lies

And stiffles my cries

This purple autumn

Seeps through the fibers

Is it only me that is seeing

That it's seeping to the

Very core of my being

But thats what happens

When you sleep with July

And autumn rolls around

Just waiting for you to drown

So this naked innocence

This pure and subtle matter

Is choking me hard

Muting my faith

And leaving me scarred

And it kisses me like

Only a mother ever could

Kisses on my forehead

And covers the stains I bled

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem because I was all messed up about a lot of things so it's a combination of everything I was feeling.

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Brandon Beene's picture

hey i just read this poem and i liked it. and i wanted you to maybe read mine and tell me what you think about them

