Lonely Teardrop
The drying tear of a lost dream
streaks it's way across the sky.
Leaving no trace of it's existence,
going unseen by the naked eye.
Hidden beneath the soft wings
of a tender touch to the heart.
A Passion not heard of in this life
set free into it's innocent dreams.
Cascading through a field of petals
as roses slowly shed their beauty.
Dancing to the beat of love's heart
echoing throughout their minds.
A promise made between two souls
that their love shall last eternally.
Spent wrapped in the warmth of the
arms that surround a lovers body.
Staring through the eyes of a soul,
a lover is enchanted by it's devotion.
The careful sweep of a fingertip that
slowly strokes the cheek of another.
Words seem to melt into my mind as I
stand here staring at a lover's dream.
Praying for one more gentle touch
of his hand across my delicate heart.