I want it to find it
True, pure, real
I want to know its feeling
Uplifting, motivating, yearning
I want to know its pain
Unbearable, heartbreaking, tears
I want to know is real
Honest, alive, moving
I want to feel its power
Joy, sorrow, desire
I want to know it benefits
Memories, pictures, souvenirs
I want to know its agony
Anguish, devastating, torment
I want to be touched by it
Chilling, stirring, restless
I want to know I have it
Kisses, hearts, snuggling
I want to know I lost it
Pain, anger, depression
I want to feel its touch
Tender, warm, caring
I want it, I need it
Love is it
Written on
September 19, 2000
That is good
That is good
that is good
thank you
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. - Steven Wright
People like you are the reason people like me exsist. Out of a song of the same title by a band called 'Say Anything'