* A Single Red Tear *

To say I do not love you

is deceit within my heart

and the ability to deceive

is consequencal in the dark

if compassion overwhelms

denial becomes dangerous

should the breeze so slightly whispher

redemption is meaningless

desire will not serve as an excuse

though the flames refuse to die

leave no time to delinate

the paranoia collects my mind

forgive my silent bleeding

collecting broken dreams

please protect my fragile dawn

though pointless it may seem

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M A U I's picture

i love it .. it has rhyme, but it didnt mask the emotion behind the poem like some rhyming does .. it has quiet sadness in each line, and i enjoyed reading this poem. ^_^

Travis Scott's picture

I really liked this poem. Actually I don't believe I have read a poem of yours I didn't like. You seem to be a very accomplished writer. If you have the time I would appreciate it if you would look at a few of my works and give me some advice.