
It'll never eradicate the pain.
No matter how sugary-sweet.
I savor the sweet-candy shell.
Like I have before, just the same.

Sugar-coated, I defecate rainbows.
Only revealing what the heart allows.
Some things are better left unsaid.
Contributing to my heir of mystery.

I've never been one to be strong.
Chewing my "Flintstone" vitamins.
How colorful the characters are.
Another void delusion learned.

Love is just like a drug.
A hunger never satisfied.
Once you've gotten your fill,
you always go back for more.

I've hit my rock-bottom.
No matter how bittersweet,
It'll all soon be forgotten.
Just like all the others.

I'm finding it hard to swallow.
Fighting back hatred and bile.
There's a sour taste in my mouth.
Venom from the snakes I've spat out.

Sick to the stomach.
Ache in my heart.
Life ain't no picnic.
Ants diligently march.

Obstacles like road signs,
Lie in my path of resurrection.
The basis being "not-need-to-know".
Mockingly, I devour my placebo.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A substance only has power over you if you believe so.

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SSmoothie's picture

Wow! You poop rainbows?

Now that's definately new! And pretty funny! Lol! The rest of the poem gets serious I like the last 3 whole stanzas very good! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."