The Shooting Off Of One’s Mouth

Cum-like ejaculations
And random recitations
Blurting unstoppable fountains
Squirting my thousand opinions
That span into a moldy pond
My Spout has coldly spawned

Once, we were fellow onlookers
Now, merely by-passers
With curt nods in each other’s affairs
Meanings are now expressed
By hurt shoulders impressed
Into the backsides of wondering stares
Can any of it be un-cum?
Man, just pass me a condom.


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Ouch what a total slap in the

Ouch what a total slap in the face man! Brutal! A lot of you work is I gues I jizz better harden up in this mean old world! Jury is out on this one but it sure did affect me and I like that it did! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."