Crazy Poetic

Poetic Princess

A lonely girl who writes to soothe her soul

Head full of words that have no meaning

She makes definitions

She is her own dictionary

Her heart yearns for love and romance

So she pretends that every man

Will be her husband

She kisses their faces with her words

But most are too close-minded

To understand her depth

She is intuitive to their ignorance

But she brushes it off with romantic thoughts

She closes her eyes and sees sparkles

Fairies fluttering in a field of carnations

Butterflies with pink and yellow wings

Canaries with speckles of blue

She hears hip-hop in her ears

At any given moment

That is her source of imagination

Love is her palette

Poetry is her brush

She paints beautiful pictures with articulation

She can express emotion verbally

For she is verbile

Definitely crazy

Unquestionbly poetic

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Nic Grainger's picture

i absolutely love this piece.i will be reading some more of your work and if there as good as this you can count me in when the book comes out.