A Girls Life

Her family's falling apart.

No one Has a heart.

Hatered is the force,

Of 2 people gettin a divorce.

Everybody tells a lie.

The little girl wishes she would die.

Life just isnt the same.

It's a real big shame,

Life is what she fears,

And all night she cry's tears.

She finally enters high school.

Scared, thinking she's a fool.

She makes new friends,

And knows memory's of them will never end.

She spots a guy.

But she's to shy,

to say a word,

Because she thinks she's a nerd.

So all she does is pray.

Until that fine day,

he asked her out.

All she wanted to do was shout!

Months went by,

And she was still real shy.

She would bearly talk,

By his side she would walk.

Then he dumped her,

left feeling like animal fur.

All she could do was think of him.

She felt like a broken tree limb.

She watched him everyday,

With nothin to say.

A broken heart,

Cause they feel apart.

Then they got back together.

She thought of him as leather.

Then he gave up again.

Nothing left to them.

All summer he was in her head.

She'd be wishing she was dead,

Wanting him back,

Wishing she'd fall through a crack.

Then school starts.

She still has feelings in her heart,

For that same guy.

Knowing all they had to do was try.

So here they are,

Shes wishing upon a star.

Thanking the lord above,

For sendinf her his love.

They both want to hold on.

Nobody wants to see there love gone.

So she trys,

Not to be as shy.

He's always in her thoughts,

Because he's all shes really got.

Her family's falling apart,

And hes her new start,

To a happy world,

For this miserable girl.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this about myself, im the girl for those of u who dont kno me

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baby thts friggin awsome!!!! so wats been up?u still with joe or not?