You need more space.
You are adamant.
Sitting at the kitchen table
at 4 AM, moments
of pause and stare,
which were never an issue,
now hang like August air
over your 3 cubic feet.
The square footage
of your surface,
a tougher estimate -
worth the trouble -
is Brazilian waxed,
moves on legs all men follow,
and you know it.
You know your space,
Our space jointly,
intensely, decreases
the more of me
is inside of you.
Total ‘O’ – your phrase,
takes on the new
curious calibration
of less space.
In silent calculations,
fiddling with
the wine cork,
you teasing the cork screw,
appendages slightly askew -
I am adamant –
I’ll trade more for less.
I need less space.
I do believe you fell in a vat of senusality and climbed out...
dripping with words. This one was like a champagne tart. Very sweet but oh so naughty. I know you are a man and men are over the top for physical beauty but I'd love to see you focus less on a woman's physical beauty and more so on what makes her special as a person that way all women could relate better to your poetry and not feel this guy only goes for the shallow trappings that the world thinks of as beautiful. Minus the over emphasis on this i thought the poem was stunning. Very clever depiction of mutual seduction but I had to laugh when you mention this time the kitchen table. Enjoyed your poetry and look forward to seeing some more. You caress the readers' mind with your obvious talent. Sincerely, Melissa Lundeen.