Life is fucking terrifying
The world has gone mad
People are crazy
Humanity is fucked up
What are we to do?
Is there no hope?
Or is hope all we have?
We are blind animals
Stumbling in the dark
Trying to avoid the terrors
That could kill us on contact
Hope is all we have
We rely on this intangible thing
To keep us going
Life is so short
So futile
So pointless comparitively
Yet it really is all we have
What kind of fucked up arrangement is that?
They take a thing
Give it sentience
And then put a limit on it's lifespan
Kill it when their time is up
Then let their memory fade into nothingness
Paling in comparison
To the grandiosity of the universe.
Destination Is Wisdom
If you walk around in the Profound long enough, wisdom oozes out, like here - enjoyed the fresh take on chaos - you rock Lioness - Just bein' Stella.