Love VS Heart

Love will come and go,
it feels like a river with a constant flow.

No, nothing can take it,
unless one of the two decides to break it.

When that river flow stops
it makes your heart drop.

Months go by,
but all you can do is cry.

And question; "God why?"
becoming quiet shy.

Slowly you begin to pick up the pieces,
realizing he/she wasn't your thesis.

Yes, love comes and goes,
but when you meet the right one your heart will know.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I like to write to express my feelings, and I was just curious if they were decent.



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Roads and First Steps

Poet status begins with the first publication in which you become what is deemed "an expert". The entire range of emotions is grounds for poetry...every object in the mind, every memory, dreams good/bad of the future...just decide, for now what is most engaging/entertaining/ beautiful...and you will always be one of us. Love and Prayers - allets