The First Eve Upon Meeting Thee


My lean, hardened arms caress about you,
Your soft, supple limbs laced in blue
Sheets that flow like the rolling sea,
In whose depths preserve you and me,
Primitively embraced without a sound,
In our pool of silky, feathery down.

I feel your heart at beat with mine--
A lover's tune so sweet and sublime.


Such age-old notes re-tremble my spine
Prompting eyes ajar, 'tis you Maegdelein,
With whose eyes of most noble brown
Have bettered even me, the savage hound,
Whose deaf ears fell twice upon thee,
Thinking not of us but only of me.
Such stained heart cruel with bluish hue,
'Twas too cold for loving, even you.


But that first eve I never spied away
From the sight of you or till we lay
Courtly cuddled with waves of stars,
Each eager to be but one of ours;
For I made a wish that very night,
That you should love and hold me tight,
'Fore my eastward eye waited to arrive
That morning star that found us alive.

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