Those Party Girls

I'm going out
Watch me come alive
I'm going to down that bottle
Party like it doesn't matter
Drink. Flirt....Forget.
Feel the fire within my veins
Finally begin to feel a pulse
I'm about to ignite the room
Not think twice about tomorrow
Find the one I want for the night
Have him take me home
Find his bed
Try to remember his name
Pretend to care
The liquor fuels my fire
Spreads through my body
I feed the desire
Passout in a drunken stupor
Wake up
Forgot his name
Find my clothes
Slip out the door
Go home
Wash off the night before

I feel no shame.

Can't feel at all.

I'm going to go out
Come alive with that bottle
Do it all again tonight...

I feel no shame.

I don't feel at all.

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twincities's picture

i understand. same for party

i understand. same for party boys. thanks for the read, its catch, almost like a radio song.

Moncies A. Franco